Our Projects and Campaigns
The Coalition for Healthy Youth was founded to identify community needs and resources, promote greater collaboration and bring research-based prevention and intervention services to the youth in Lancaster County.
We provide comprehensive prevention efforts, including influencing policy and legislation, changing organizational practices, providing education, promoting community engagement and strengthening individual knowledge and skills.
Through our collaborative efforts, we secure funding to provide projects and programs to prevent substance misuse, teen pregnancy, delinquency, truancy and violence.

Town Hall Meetings
Providing education and information to youth and/or parents to promote prevention in the community.

Prom Promise
An event aimed to address high schoolers to help prevent drunk or distracted driving accidents on Prom Night.

Legislative Breakfast
An assembly of local politicians addressing current local legislation that impacts Lancaster County.

Business Covenants
A goodwill gesture between the coalition and local merchants to promote responsible alcohol/tobacco sales.

5th Quarter
An initiative to promote safe and healthy behaviors to youth after our local basketball and football games.

Take This Time to Talk
A campaign that encourages parents to have conversations about the prevention of risky youth behaviors.

Student & Community Surveys
Surveys are conducted to all 7th-12th graders and within the community to ensure we are addressing the needs of the community.

Red Ribbon Week
The nation's largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign.

Take U out of DUI
A campaign aimed to reduce Driving Under the Influence occurrences in Lancaster County.

Project Knock-Knock
A partnership with local law enforcement to provide information to parents about underage drinking during routine patrols.